
I have always believed that Art is fundamentally about communication. To allow me to communicate as effectively as possible I have never limited myself to acting, but have embraced any form of expression that will let me share with people what I have in my head.

Some of the things I use are:


I can’t remember a time when I didn’t have a notebook to hand. I have always filled reams of paper with ideas and generally love words. I have created plays and short film scripts, as well as written and spoken word poetry.
Links to pieces I’ve written can be found on my Video page.


I have directed plays and short films with professionals, students, and community performers. I am happy to develop work collaboratively or work with a pre-existing script. My particular interests are:

  • New writing
  • Writing and/or practice with a mental health focus
  • Working with early career practitioners or those still in training


I tend to downplay my musical background due to a sense of utter awe at some of the talent I have met through my life, but I am actually a post-grade 8 trained musician. I have written pieces for several productions, performed as an actor/musician, and am comfortable with harmony vocal work.